Thursday, December 31, 2009
Blue Moon Rising!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Art!

Here's some art that I created yesterday and today. I read about a postcard swap sponsored by the magazine "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" with the theme of inspiring art, and it just reminded me of all the times I'm in a creative slump and just aspire to do any art. So, I started playing around, and these are a couple of the postcards that I came up with. Neither of these is the one I'm going to be submitting for the swap! I'll be posting that to the CPS web site in February, so you can see it then and there.
For those of you interested in such things, here's technical how-to info. I decided that I wanted bold, primary colors to be used, with red for the letters I used bright yellow tissue to get started (on watercolor paper), and then added acrylic paints of green and blue. I also used some dictionary pages that I had colored for another project, but hadn't used, and cut up some pieces of a map, just for some other interest. Now, once this was done, I decided that the colors were a bit too disjointed and bright and needed to be toned down a bit and somehow brought more together in terms of melding, if you will. I then took some sewing pattern tissue, and laid that down over the entire postcard. Some of the print on the pattern tissue added some graphic elements that I liked as well. I then added the rather stern young man because he reminded me of the inner critic we all have that tells us we can never do what we intend to do or want to do, and the little girl as our inner muse, who is just full of spunk and spirit, and, at least for me, is always telling me to have fun!! I stamped on some exclaimation marks over the critic's head, and the instructions of my muse to have fun, and then added some inspirational instruction. The quote that inspired Start Now is from Marie Beyron Ray, and is"Begin doing what you want to do now." And, isn't that true? We frequently find ourselves planning to do something after we do something else, and suddenly, we're in a non-creative rut! The quote that inspired Try Something came from a quote from FDR - "Above all, try something." Now, I don't think he was talking about creative endeavors, but good advice is good advice. When you're stuck, just try something. If it doesn't work, try something else, until you land on something great. Oh, and of course, along the way, have fun! (By the way, the little girl who is my muse, is really me at about 2-3 years old or so! She still lives on, tho, deep inside of me!)
Enjoy! Nadine
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 7, 2009
It's Winter in New Mexico!

I feel so lucky to be living here. What a great place to live and be a creative soul. And, it's ironic how colorful this desert landscape frequently is! The ground may be sandy or terra cotta, but the big sky is incredibly colorful. Patches, our next door neighbor's horse, seems to be enjoying the view, too, doesn't he?
Well, onto creative pusuits for today. I joined an internet group - www.atcsforall.com - that is specifically for trading ATCs (Artist Trading Cards), and I've signed up for 2 of the swaps (there are tons out there!) - I need to mail off the ATCs for the swap due in December, and start working on the January one. They both call for using photos, so from my perspective, it's the best of both worlds!
Take care - enjoy your day! Nadine
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Winter Morning Walk

Woke up this morning to some snowy dusting around the airpark. I went for a morning walk with Miki, our German Shepherd, and took these photos during our walk. The top photo is of a friend's horses and barn at the end of our little airpark. I just loved the snow on the fence, and the moody feel of the image.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Beautiful Sunrise!

What a great weekend we had, too! City of Rocks is a natural formation of some pretty large monoliths that just rose up out of the ground in the middle of no where! It's rather amazing - apparently, there are only 5 or so similar formations throughout the world. It was cool, in that the state park campground has the camping sites set in and among the formations, so you've got some really private sites that are somewhat surrounded by some of the formations. Our site also had a couple of trees growing there, so we sort of had the best of both worlds. And, you could climb and hike up into the rock formations up on a rise. It wasn't so huge that you were afraid of getting lost among the rocks, but it certainly was cool!
Ah, tomorrow's back to work for me! This week, I'm working 4 days (instead of the usual 3) due to some meetings that I sort of need to attend. Next week, tho, I'll only be working 2 days, so that will even things out!
Enjoy your week!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy Fall!

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. It sort of reminds me of beginnings - sounds odd, doesn't it? Still, I think of going back to school when I was a kid, and how excited I was about that. I used to love having new kids in my class, new teachers, even new books! I wasn't a particularly nerdy kid (at least I wasn't in my memory!), but I did enjoy school. That's why fall means beginnings of a sort to me.
Fall also gets me feeling energized. That's quite an accomplishment today, since I'm suffering from a slight cold, but I am energized about getting out into my studio and doing some work on some collage items. I've been working on getting a photo book put together from our vacation in September, but today, I think I'll focus on collage. I finished the vacation photo book yesterday, and altho I have another one waiting (based on our recent trips to the VLA and the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta), I think I'll take a break from photo work today.
Enjoy your day - go out and enjoy the fall, whatever it's like in your neck of the woods! Nadine
Monday, August 24, 2009
I'm back!

More later! Enjoy the day! Nadine
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Mountains of Boxes !
Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm having a tough time getting to sleep tonight, so I thought I'd play around with filters in PhotoShop. Here's a sunflower image that I took in the Southwest a couple of years ago. I applied a colored pencil filter. I think it looks rather abstract, but still like the sunflower that it is. I guess it sort of fits my mood at the moment. I think the reality of how quickly our move is coming up is sticking with me tonight. I'm excited and looking forward to it, but the "it" is rather abstract. I know what the basics of our life will be, but there's so much that's unknown, and abstract when I try to imagine some details. I know, I know, I get to make those up and create a future, but, right now, my imagination about it isn't clicking and I'm feeling a bit anxious about all the unknowns and uncertainties. This will pass, I know, and I'll embrace all the unknowns and just let the creativity flow. I just need to keep the faith, and embrace whatever is next! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009
Social Butterflies

Mom's Day was really nice yesterday. The weather cooperated, and we were able to sit outside on the patio and enjoy the day and our cook-out meal! Very nice. I will miss this next year...sigh....perhaps I can get Mom out to New Mexico for Mom's Day next year, tho!
Well, on with the day! Have a really great one - enjoy!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Beascochea Bay, Antarctica

Well, we're in the final weeks before our move to our new life in New Mexico. Packing is underway, and I think I've finally gotten everything that's going to be packed at my old house packed up! Now, there will still be the decorative items and things on the walls that will need to be packed once the house is under contract, and we've got a few furniture pieces that we need to take now, but I'm feeling like we're pretty much complete with what we can do for now. We've got more packing to do at Jeff's house (which is where we now live), but that's coming along well. I think I'm going to start "wrapping up" the packing for various rooms starting this weekend or next week for sure. I know what's left can be done fairly quickly, so I'm not making myself too crazy over it!
Better get going with the fabulous day! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
For Jeanne

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Little Princess

Friday, April 24, 2009
This Morning's Beauties !

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Glorious Morning!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Napa Autumn Morning

Monday, April 20, 2009