Here's a fun little collage (ATC) I created a while ago. This little sweetie was an image that I used from a scanned cabinet card. She looked like such a little princess, I couldn't resist the crown! To me, she looks like she's just thinking that someday she will be Queen, so that's the text that I added. I'm really missing not being able to create via collage! I had to pack up my studio back in Jan because we were gone on a trip almost the complete month of February, and effective with the beginning of March, the house was on the market to be sold. Altho I thought my studio area looked pretty neat and organized, and it was in the realm of a creative space, to "normal" folks, I'm sure it looked anything but neat and organized!!! So, my creative things were put away. I keep thinking about how much fun it will be to rediscover them when I'm unpacking them in about a month or so. Our move date is now set for the end of May, so it really will be only a week or so after that, and I'll be able to at least start unpacking and creating in New Mexico! Yipee!! Enjoy!