Sunday, May 24, 2009
Mountains of Boxes !
Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm having a tough time getting to sleep tonight, so I thought I'd play around with filters in PhotoShop. Here's a sunflower image that I took in the Southwest a couple of years ago. I applied a colored pencil filter. I think it looks rather abstract, but still like the sunflower that it is. I guess it sort of fits my mood at the moment. I think the reality of how quickly our move is coming up is sticking with me tonight. I'm excited and looking forward to it, but the "it" is rather abstract. I know what the basics of our life will be, but there's so much that's unknown, and abstract when I try to imagine some details. I know, I know, I get to make those up and create a future, but, right now, my imagination about it isn't clicking and I'm feeling a bit anxious about all the unknowns and uncertainties. This will pass, I know, and I'll embrace all the unknowns and just let the creativity flow. I just need to keep the faith, and embrace whatever is next! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009
Social Butterflies

Mom's Day was really nice yesterday. The weather cooperated, and we were able to sit outside on the patio and enjoy the day and our cook-out meal! Very nice. I will miss this next year...sigh....perhaps I can get Mom out to New Mexico for Mom's Day next year, tho!
Well, on with the day! Have a really great one - enjoy!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Beascochea Bay, Antarctica

Well, we're in the final weeks before our move to our new life in New Mexico. Packing is underway, and I think I've finally gotten everything that's going to be packed at my old house packed up! Now, there will still be the decorative items and things on the walls that will need to be packed once the house is under contract, and we've got a few furniture pieces that we need to take now, but I'm feeling like we're pretty much complete with what we can do for now. We've got more packing to do at Jeff's house (which is where we now live), but that's coming along well. I think I'm going to start "wrapping up" the packing for various rooms starting this weekend or next week for sure. I know what's left can be done fairly quickly, so I'm not making myself too crazy over it!
Better get going with the fabulous day! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
For Jeanne