I'm a photographer and budding mixed media/collage artist. I live with my partner, Jeff, and our dog and 2 cats, Max, Toutle and Cali. My goal for my life is to live a balanced life, and I'm drawing closer to that every day! Life is a wonderful adventure!
All images reflected on this blog cannot be used or reproduced without permission and are protected by copyright law. Thanks much!
I showed you the black & white images of these two pansies a few posts ago. I thought I'd also share them in all their colorful glory! These are what I planted in the pots on the back patio.
I love spring! And, altho I have to admit springtime in the Midwest does generally top New Mexico, there are lovely spring blooms to enjoy in our front yard here! The lilac bush we planted a couple of years ago is finally producing the first blooms - yea!!
These lovely pink blossoms are from the little tree we have anchoring the little sitting area we have in the front yard. How pretty they are!
This shrub is a native plant to New Mexico and in the spring, it's just covered with such pretty white blossoms! We actually have 3 of them grouped together, so they add a nice bit of lightness to the section of the front yard where they sit.
And, finally, our grape ivy (I think that's what it is!). I had my doubts that this would make it, but it's finally producing blossoms this spring, so I guess it's decided that it likes it in our front yard!
This past Saturday, we decided to get our back yard area ready for spring. Jeff cleaned out the tub below our granite water feature, and then turned it on so we could have nice calming water sounds as we worked out back.
I planted the 3 pots we have out back with pansies. The nursery lady told me they have anti-freeze flowing thru their steams and leaves, so as long as I keep them watered, they should be fine even tho we may have a few nights left that will reach freezing. The little Popsicle sticks mark where I planted some gladiola bulbs - got the idea to mix bulbs and annuals from a friend (thanks, Karen!). I didn't plan this nearly as well as she did, so hers will probably look better, but I thought, what the heck!
A couple of little neighbors, the Geckos, were also out sunning themselves by the sitting rocks at our fire pit and didn't seem to mind my presence. We do like having them for neighbors, since they are known for keeping other bugs to a minimum. I think the one on the top of the photo looks like she might be pregnant, but I have to admit, I know nothing about how geckos reproduce! Could there be baby geckos in our future??
And, finally, our next door neighbor, Jazz, kept peeking around to check out what we were doing! Her buddy, Patches, was also there, but he kept hiding behind her - silly boy! Do you see the mourning dove sitting on the fence? I guess spring gardening is really quite the excitement for the neighborhood!!
I did some spring gardening today, and planted some pansies in the pots on our back patio. They were so lovely, I couldn't resist taking their "portraits". Altho they were purple and white (above) and apricot (below), I played around with converting them to black & white using my HDR software. I thought the results were really pretty - almost like fine art prints!