Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quedaras Backcountry Byway

While down at the Bosque Del Apache, we explored a backcountry road called the Quedaras Backcountry Byway. It was a 24 mile dirt road that passed thru some scenic country, just a short little bit from I-25, a main highway that runs north and south in New Mexico. I really like the above shot as it's reflecting still a bit of green left even during later fall, and, of course, wonderful mountains in the background.

We just had to stop when we passed this arroyo that actually looks a bit more like a mini-canyon. From the land surrounding it, my guess is this rock was carved by the monsoon rains runoff that probably occurs most summers. Amazing how powerful water can be, isn't it?

Altho technically not part of the formal byway, I had to include this shot in this entry. We had left the byway and were just making our way back to the campground when we saw this. The sky was a typical grey day in late fall kind of sky (altho not usually in New Mexico kind of sky), and altho I really loved the clouds in this shot, it just didn't look as wonderful in color as it does in black & white.


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