What a busy page! I decided that a quote from Stravinsky must have a musical theme to it, and so I pulled from sheet music (an obvious choice) and an old Sears catalog (hopefully, not quite so obvious). I chose photo images of two composers that are certainly known to just about everyone. Tags contained images of instruments and the quote itself.
I love this quote. Michelangelo can be considered a genius on many different fronts, and yet, he said he was still learning. Wow - perhaps the first person who truly lived the idea of lifetime learning. And, yet, to have full lives, I think most people will agree, on some level, that learning is a part of that full life - new discoveries, world events, and ourselves.
Enjoy....and more to come!
Love the altered book Nadine!!! Would love to see your studio set up. I have gotten away from scrapbooking/crafting lately and want to embrace digital - and then I see a project like yours ;-)