I'm a photographer and budding mixed media/collage artist. I live with my partner, Jeff, and our dog and 2 cats, Max, Toutle and Cali. My goal for my life is to live a balanced life, and I'm drawing closer to that every day! Life is a wonderful adventure!
All images reflected on this blog cannot be used or reproduced without permission and are protected by copyright law. Thanks much!
Welcome to "Learn" Part 2! Here's the rest of the book. This page (image above and below) is a multi-page page. The quote just made me think of some of the various stages of learning - from the time we're babies until we become our grandparents. I took some vintage photos that depicted the various stages of life, and thought of how different "learning" looks in these stages. Hope you agree!
I thought the four stages seemed pretty representative of many different philosophies throughout our lives.
The quote that inspired this page really spoke to me. How many times have you learned something from a teacher, family member or friend, and then it becomes "yours" to pass on to others? I was trying to do a transfer of a vintage photo, and I wasn't all that pleased with the result. Then, I glanced over at the base sheet that wasn't supposed to do anything except protect the table I was working on, and whoa! There's what I was looking for! I couldn't resist adding the little round mirror, since we were talking about reflections, too. The red buttons just seemed to balance the red checkerboard stamped image perfectly.
I spent a bit of time thinking about this quote and how to illustrate it in a page. I'm not quite sure why a travel theme popped into my head, but I do like to travel, so maybe it was a simple as that. I thought about visiting a new place and how I feel like I'm not sure about anything because I've never been there before, and then, on return trips to the area, I find that I end up becoming a mini-expert! The pockets on the right side of the page sort of depicts how you discover things by exploring and basically moving from the unknown to the known.
This last page is kind of a culmination of the book, and that's why I chose snippets of what I used on previous pages - vintage images and sheet music ties this page to the pages that preceded it. For the right side of the page, I decided to create a cut-out sort of shrine effect. The stone that is the subject of the entire page was found in our front yard. I just went outside and kept searching thru the rocks until I found just the right one. I toyed with the idea of putting something on the rock, but then I thought I'd leave it blank because over our lifetime, there's too much learning to fit on any stone.
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