Sunday, October 28, 2012

Junipers on Sandia Crest

Yesterday, I felt like I just needed to have my spirit rejuvenated, and driving up to the top of the Sandia Mountains, to the Crest, to take some photos and go for a walk, popped into my head.  Both Jeff & Miki joined me and we had a great Saturday afternoon activity going!  As we walked along the Crest Trail, I just loved this juniper tree, bent from the wind blowing from the west for years and years.  It also speaks to the inherent strength of the tree to stand up to what are sometimes very powerful winds.  In the background, you can see both the Sandia and Manzano mountains as they sort of flow into the Rio Grande River Valley.

As I walked along the trail, I looked up and found myself under a more upright juniper tree, sheltering me from the rays of the sun.  I loved the detail of the tree trunk and the pattern of the branches as they bend and curve around.  The green of the pine needles complements the blue sky above.  A great late fall look, and one that's probably easily overlooked when it's summer and everything else is in full bloom!

One last image of the flowing mountains, this time framed by yet another juniper tree!  I just love the soft look of the colors of the mountains and beginning of the river valley.  Just a little walk out here truly lifted my spirits on this late fall afternoon!


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